The MyoVision Scan takes 90 seconds and is completely safe, painless and non-invasive. The MyoVision sEMG ScanVisions read the voltage that the muscles in your spine naturally emit. These readings look at the level of voltage and the patterns of directionality, which allows your healthcare professional to determine if your spine and nervous system are functioning optimally.
MyoVision’s state-of-the-art equipment helps us quickly and objectively identify areas of further concern and customize care based on your results. The results are a succinct way for both of us to monitor your progress. You have more than just an opinion; you have specific data in a computerized spinal report.
The MyoVision system was designed by NASA researcher David Marcarian, MA and has been the patient education tool of choice at colleges and healthcare offices around the world for over 20 years.
Mrs. A came to our office in March 2014 complaining of significant neck and upper back tension for over 5 years. Mrs. A sits at a desk all day and had been finding it more and more difficult to do this. She was having headaches 2-3 times per week and experiencing pain down her left arm. Recently, she started having severe lower back pain which was aggravated when getting up and out of a chair. The pain was rated as 9/10. Below are the before and after scans for Mrs. A:

Scan 1 dated March 2014: This first scan has yellow bars on the left side showing lots of muscle tightness and spasm. In the lower back, there are many red bars. This is telling us there is a lot of inflammation in the lower back.

Scan 2 dated May 2014: INCREDIBLE IMPROVEMENT! Everything is calmer. Muscles and nervous system are more balanced. Her neck pain and lower back pain is 50% better. No more headaches or arm pain. Fantastic results in a short time.
Mr. B came to our office in May 2014 with pain in the left side of his neck and in his left arm. The pain was rated as 7/10. He was unable to reach out his left arm or put on a shirt without a catching pain in his shoulder. The pain was getting worse over time. Below are the before and after scans for Mr. B:

Scan 1 dated May 2014: This first scan shows red and purple inflammation zones in the upper back and neck.

Scan 2 dated June 2014: HUGE improvement! No more upper left back inflammation zones. No shoulder pain. Back to normal activities.