Etobicoke Cloverdale Posture Correction Chiropractic
Who would have thought that our mothers were so right!
Sit up straight, stop slouching.

Research is now conclusive and showing how poor posture, tech neck posture, excessive sitting computer posture, and texting posture are cumulatively hazardous to our health – In more ways than one.
We used to think that neck pain, upper and lower back pain and headaches were the primary results of postural strain and strain. Here are a few points to consider that have been studied.
Forward head posture with increased upper back curve (folding – see above picture) can lead to:
- 14 times increase in early mortality
- 64% increase in heart attacks with height loss
- The diagnosis of depression
- Restricted lung capacity and asthma
- Poor mood and negative self talk
- Poor proprioception leading to problems with balance
- Digital dementia and decline in brain function
- Underdevelopment of the Posture System – for kids and teenagers!
- Digestive issues
- Circulatory issues

Not only this but Proper Posture is an essential component to you moving better, feeling better, looking better and of course ultimately to living better.
We are here to ACTIVELY change this!
Dr. Dadoun and the team of physiotherapists at the Cloverdale Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Clinic have completed a Posture Certification Course (twice actually!)
We know and understand that better posture is not simply doing pelvic tilt exercises or sit-ups to strengthen the core. Improved posture and posture correction requires a system of progressive exercises that work at your own pace. It is about Balance, Alignment and Motion. BAM!
With this system in place which you can do in 5 minutes per day – you will require less chiropractic care, massage therapy or physiotherapy.
We have designed a 7-10 week program (depending on progress) that will change your posture and your life. We are using cutting edge software to take front and side pictures to measure your current posture condition and then regularly redo them for active evaluation of progress. You will then be coached one on one. This system is covered by most extended health insurance plans. Great for all ages! The younger you start the better the habits you develop.

If you are struggling with poor posture in Etobicoke Ontario, call Cloverdale Chiropractic Clinic today for effective posture correction treatment.
Should go below this on our new website under POsture Correction……
Below you will find the products I have used and continue to use on a regular basis. I know they work. I have an old fracture/broken bone in my lower back considered to be of the ‘bad’ variety, so I know what works and what does not Full stop, plain and simple.
The following products are great. They will reduce the stress and tension of sitting or standing for hours. Feel free to click on the links to investigate them. I have included the links that best explain the products and their uses. I can answer your questions by phone or email. Many of these products are available at a discounted price.

Below you will find the products I have used and continue to use on a regular basis. I know they work. I have an old fracture/broken bone in my lower back considered to be of the ‘bad’ variety, so I know what works and what does not Full stop, plain and simple.
The following products are great. They will reduce the stress and tension of sitting or standing for hours. Feel free to click on the links to investigate them. I have included the links that best explain the products and their uses. I can answer your questions by phone or email. Many of these products are available at a discounted price.
Health Bridges
A set of three curved wooden orthopedic devices that help correct postural distortion, a medical term for poor posture. The unique curved design of Health Bridges expands the chest, rotates and lifts the shoulders and stretches the muscles and ligaments. A slot up the middle of each Bridges accomodates the spinal column and eliminates pressure on this area. This product is used by Professional sports teams, Chiropractors, Sports trainors and Therapists, construction firms, computer workers etc. or anyone who would labor under the threat of back trouble.
How It Works
Serola Sacroiliac Support Belt
Solution for: Lower Back Pain, Piriformis Syndrome, Hip, Upper Leg, Pelvic Pain, and Pelvic Girdle Dysfunction (PGD)
The New Serola Sacroiliac Belt re-establishes the joint’s normal motion by providing the correct balance of resistance and resilience. Give them your measurement and they will custom create one just for you. Because of the stability the New Serola Sacroiliac Belt gives to the base of your spine, strength is increased throughout your back, hips, and legs, and your chances of injury are lessened considerably during work or play:
Designed to compress and support the sacroiliac joints 3″ wide SI belt supports the sacroiliac joints relieving stress and instability,Breathable, moisture-wicking, and hypoallergenic Serola Belt Instructions – Positioning & Placement
Serola Golf Stability Video

Posture Pump
Posture Pump is a doctor recommended spinal health care product. It is designed for home care neck and back pain relief. Posture Pump reinforces your neck and back’s NATURAL CURVED SHAPE and HYDRATE the discs & joints. Even if you do not experience back pain or neck pain, Posture Pump can be used as a preventative tool in keeping your spine healthy.
For more information about our Accident Injury Chiropractic Treatment, Contact us today or give us a call at (416) 239-6755